
From People Pleasing to Choosing to Serve

People pleasing is something I grew up practicing.  I thought people would like me if I did what they wanted.  I did things for people hoping it would make them include me, accept me.  I said, acted and dressed just to please.  I did things people wanted me to do even if I hated it or knew it wasn't right.  This people pleasing developed into an enormous mask for not meeting myself.  I was all tangled up in what I thought people wanted me to be and I never got to know myself.  I never met the real and authentic me.  This people pleasing got me mixed up in making bad decisions,  choosing wrong people doing risky things in dangerous places.  It has taken me a decade to "meet" myself and understand my thoughts, emotions and actions. 

Today as a recovery life coach, I choose to serve others. I serve myself by being honest with myself.  I'm meeting myself where I am and knowing who I am.  I set boundaries.  I've learned to say "Yes" to myself more.  Today I discern.  I listen to my instincts and don't allow others to talk me into or out of what I know to be true and right for me.

How can you say "Yes" to yourself more?

Change in Attitudes, Ideas, and Emotions

It struck me last week, while I was surrounded by my tribe, I have learned a new language.  A language that has changed my attitudes, ideas and emotions.  A language that has provided the safety to come out of my hiding place.  A language that has given me the strength to face my Giant.

This language is the language of the heart.  It speaks of love, gratitude, forgiveness, trust, kindness, acceptance, empathy, compassion and understanding.

A language that has guided me from the beginning and spoken in two different environments.

Teachers Everywhere

This amazing world we live in with these amazing people who live in it teach me every day.

Let's see if you can find the teachers.

A long standing client I have has two beautiful children, a boy and a girl and they are twins. Recently, while sharing a meal the children asked their mother about her coaching. So mom explains what her coaching is all about and specifically shares that she's learned how to identify good things about herself.

The daughter has a puzzled look on her face, mom asks what's on her mind, daughter shares that she can't think of anything good things about herself.