
Change in Attitudes, Ideas, and Emotions

It struck me last week, while I was surrounded by my tribe, I have learned a new language.  A language that has changed my attitudes, ideas and emotions.  A language that has provided the safety to come out of my hiding place.  A language that has given me the strength to face my Giant.

This language is the language of the heart.  It speaks of love, gratitude, forgiveness, trust, kindness, acceptance, empathy, compassion and understanding.

A language that has guided me from the beginning and spoken in two different environments.

Letting Go & Finding Freedom

Practice not perfection in letting go the top 10 …..

  • Shame
  • Guilt
  • Remorse
  • Resentment
  • Fear
  • Harms
  • Need to be right
  • Comparing
  • Judgement
  • Perfectionism

It has been my experience once I let go of these top 10, freedom floods in!



Joy, Love, Patience, Kindness, Peace, Gentleness, Goodness, Faithfulness, and Self Control now is my focus.

Since cleaning out this area deep within me, I practice filling up with the positive principles.

Why don't you give it a try, you've got nothing to lose and everything to gain. You mightjust find out who you truly are!

Please join me in my FREE Facebook Group

How to create joy in your life - 4 Steps to Joy

Joy and happiness are not the same thing, joy includes happiness. Joy is found within each of us, while happiness is external.

Feelings, environment, people can create happiness but as soon as the feelings change, our environment changes, people change the happiness that was tied to those externals is gone. Happiness is of the flesh, it is the "what" will make me happy.